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6. Imprint

Full responsibility for the information on our vocational training of house painters lies with

teacher for
Technology and Practice of House Painting,
Social Studies,
"Studienrat in Anstellung" Reinhard Wagner

[Each of the spaces between the parts of my name is underlined!]


You are also welcome to try and reach me via our nice secretary, Frau Schöning, by dialling +49 30 293 62 760, or you send me a fax (+49 30 293 62 76 20). I'm looking forward to hearing from you, especially if you can help me to improve my terminology or my style in English or if you have suggestions towards the general improvement of the site!

Last update: 12/02/2007

I'm very grateful to

multiplicator graphics©

for the permission to use the presentation about the renovation of a 'Stuckdecke' ('Renovierung einer Stuckdecke'),
produced at the Vocational School for the Technology of Painting ('OSZ Farbtechnik') in Berlin
as a quarry for the production of this presentation.

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