Vocational training for a housepainter takes three years and is completed by an examination with the Chamber of Trades. Trainees are awarded the title of 'Geselle' and the Medium Level of General Education.

Training takes place at two different places alternately:

- one week of practical training at an inter-company workshop of the 'Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
', , and at real work sites under instruction and supervision of a qualified housepainter, a 'Meister'

- one week of theoretical and practical instruction at school involving clients' orders and supported by highly qualified housepainter-'Meister's.

If you would like to know who is responsibel for the following information about our vocational training for housepainters, if you have any questions or if you need more detailed information about the vocational training programme for housepainters at our school, check


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  • Table of Contents

    1. Our vocational training through clients' orders

    The client's order
    Checking the site, testing the ground, retrieval and processing of information
    Planning the steps, necessary materials, tools, appliances and time needed
    Planning of colour and design and presentation to the client
    List of services, business calculation and offer to the client
    Preparation of the work site
    Testing and preparing the ground, acquiring and processing information
    Painting and design
    Control of results and corrections
    Finish and delivery
    The presentation of the finished client's order

    2. German rules and regulations of vocational training of housepainters: Downloads (Sorry, all in German!)

    If you click on the following numbers, you'll see pdf-files.

    To be able to read them, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, you can dowload the newest English language version for free here:

    For the following documents, however, you might need the German version, which you can get here:

    Right-clicking on the pdf-files, you can download them, save them on your device and study them later peacefully and offline.

    Graphic overview of the different vocational training courses in the field of painting
    Vocational training in the company: The legal basis
    Vocational training at school: The curriculum
    Vocational training in a Modular Dual Qualification Scheme ('MDQM II'): The supplementary rules

    3. Training through clients' orders / Teaching and learning in projects: downloads for people interested in the field

    4. Links

    5. Literature und software

    6. Imprint for the information on our vocational training for housepainters