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December 2022: The up to now puzzling increase in deaths in Spain and Europe in 2022

Excess Mortality in young people in Europe1 and unusual Summer Excess Mortality in Spain2

Attentive observers of the European Mortality Monitoring (EuroMOMO)1 have noticed a significantly increased mortality in the age group 0 - 14 years for months, but also in the age group 15 - 44 years mortality is above the levels of 2020 and 2021.

For Spain, this phenomenon has been confirmed for children and on the national and regional levels by data from the Carlos III Institute of Health's Monitoring System of Daily Mortality from all causes (MoMoISCIII).2

However, both institutions question this, citing own flaws that will have to be corrected at the methodological level.3

Nonetheless, data from the National Statistics Institute (INE)4 confirm a synchronised rise in deaths in the 1 - 24 age groups in 2021 compared to 2020, a phenomenon unseen in recent decades and contrary to the evolution of mortality in the population as a whole.

And according to INE provisional data, the opposing movements - an increase in deaths in the 1 to 39 age groups and a decrease in the rest of the population (with few exceptions) - continued in the first half of 2022.5

With the INE data, it is also possible to identify the main causes that contributed to the increase in mortality in 2021 compared to 2020, in contrast to the trend for the population as a whole.4

Some of these causes, notably tumours, suicides, accidents and diseases of the digestive and nervous systems, not only appear to contribute to the increase, but are thus at odds with their trends in recent years.

We see an age-differentiated increase in mortality, the underlying causes of which are still unknown.

In this regard, hypotheses are reported and compiled.

--> Continue reading: Excess mortality in young people in Europe: Executive Summary

Officially, only 20% of the summer excess mortality in Spain, which has multiplied compared to previous years, is attributed to the heat, which in terms of numbers is already a threefold increase compared to previous years. However, 80% of the excess mortality remains a mystery.....

Trabajando en ello--> Continue reading: Excess Mortality in Spain in the Summer of 2022: Executive Summary

        June 2020 / May 2021:

Attempt to view in perspective the health hazard posed by the COVID-19 pandemic

Mortality in spring of 2020 in Spain and Germany compared to the general death rate in both countries
The death rate in Spain is significantly higher during the period mentioned.1 This is also confirmed if we look not only at specific regions or periods of time, but at the entire country and at a period of four months, usual for an influenza epidemic.6

In Germany, the death rate during the period from January to the end of April 2020 is unchanged1 and below what happened in previous strong influenza epidemics when no extraordinary measures were taken.7

--> Continue reading: The Health Hazard Posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic


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1) https://euromomo.eu/, updated every Thursday.

2) https://momo.isciii.es/panel_momo/#section-momo, updated and corrected on a daily basis.

3) EuroMOMO: https://euromomo.eu/bulletins/2022-43/, accessed 05/11/2022.
See also 4. Materials.
MoMoISCIII: For example:

4) https://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736176780&menu=resultados&idp=1254735573175#!tabs-1254736194710
"Definitivos" -->Principales series desde (since) 1980 -->Series nacionales, por comunidad autónoma y provincia de residencia (capítulos y lista reducida) --->Defunciones por causas (lista reducida) por sexo y grupos de edad --> "Seleccionar todos" (everything) in "Causa de muerte" (death), in "Sexo" choose "Total", in "Edad" (age) select the desired age groups, for example from 1 to 24 years, and in "Periodo" select the years. A table for download is produced, in this case also downloaded on the 01/01/2023 and documented in 4. Materials, and the corresponding graph.

5) Press release of the National Statistics Institute (INE) on the definitive data 2021 and the provisional data 2022 [Notas de prensa, 19 de diciembre de 2022, Defunciones según la Causa de Muerte, Año 2021 (datos definitivos) y primer semestre 2022 (datos provisionales)], https://www.ine.es/prensa/edcm_2021.pdf, page 12. See also in 4. Materials.

6)  https://momo.isciii.es/public/momo/dashboard/momo_dashboard.html, updated and corrected on a daily basis.

7) https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Sterbefaelle-Lebenserwartung/sterbefallzahlen.html