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Presentations of projects carried out by house-painting-apprentices, in German, of course
In December 2005 our new first year finished the renovation of five rooms
in the second oldest building of our school.
Subsequently the five groups, according to guidelines given, produced a
presentation each in Microsoft Word format including photographs. Four of
those corrected presentations can be downloaded here as pdf-files, namely
those of
- Robert
Buschick, Silvio Daskewitsch, Christian Schmidt and Steven Wladimirow
- Alexander
Hahn, Jörg Riemer and Christian Skibbe
This was our first attempt at producing presentations about a project carried out - with mixed results.
This is why here we have
A hint concerning Silanka Werth's presentation: Turn it clockwise in the Adobe Reader and adjust it to the size of the window!
The power-point-presentations downloadable here deal with the renovation and design of three rooms in the oldest one of our school's buildings. To reduce file size, they have been converted to pdf-format first and then been compiled and compressed in a zip-file.
However, the presentations about the renovation of the janitor's
office (corrected!), the future
office (corrected!) and the
(uncorrected!) can also be downloaded here individually in pdf-format.
Im September 2009 hat die Klasse MDQM II 77-08 einen Kundenauftrag aus dem Online-Curriculum Farbtechnik abgeschlossen. Es handelte sich um die Malerarbeiten, die notwendig sind bei der Umwandlung eines alten Lokschuppens in ein Indoor-Sport-Center. Zum Abschluss haben die Arbeitsgruppen, die zu den verschiedenen Untergründen gearbeitet hatten, ihre Arbeitsergebnisse präsentiert:
- Marcel Wenzel und Bernhard Borchert zu den notwendigen Gerüstarbeiten
- Kevin Spanier, Michael Wiedner und André Haempel zum Brandschutzanstrich auf Stahlträgern
- Patrick Schucklies, Dennis Schulenberger und Nico Görner zum Anstrich von Stahlfenstern
- Raik Urbanek, Hakan Özkara und Marcel Neuman zur Fußbodenbeschichtung mit Epoxidharz
- Jennifer Loll, Mandy Meliß und Mohamed Mustapha zur Hydrophobierung der Fassade.
Diese Power-Point-Präsentationen sind alle unkorrigiert.
In May 2006 we repainted some windows in our cafeteria and our meeting room. This resulted in presentations the best of which have been selected:
- Alexander
Hahn and Jörg Riemer
- Robert
Buschick and Christian Schmidt
- Konrad
Hecker and Christian Skibbe
Here we have uncorrected presentations about the renovation and design
of facades at the children's village of Schneckenmühle in Saxony. Diana
Hauger and Oliver
Bergemann have produced informative power-point-presentationens. A really
exemplary presentation by Silanka
Werth can be downloaded in pdf-format.
In the autum of 2005 the apprentices of our - at present - third year
of training went to the children's village of Schneckenmühle for a
second time, this time to renovate a Fachwerkfassade.
Most of the presentations finished didn't reach expectations; nevertheless,
here are three of them, the first of which lived up to expectations completely.
They were produced in Word-format and are downloadable in pdf-format: