The so far puzzling increase in deaths in Spain and Europe in 20221.2.1. System for monitoring daily all-cause mortality. of the 1
Excess mortality in young people in Spain: Data
1) https://momo.isciii.es/panel_momo/#section-momo
Select: Región: Spain or a province;
Sexo (gender), Grupo de edad (age group), Fecha (date/space of time):
desde - hasta (from - until). Below the graph produced there is the
corresponding table.
See all the downloaded tables in 4. Materials.
2) https://momo.isciii.es/panel_momo/#section-documentaci%C3%B3n,
last accessed on 07/03/2023. Own translation.
3) https://momo.isciii.es/panel_momo/#section-momo