

1. Excess mortality in young people in Europe and Spain: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Definition of the problem - Method - Results - Discussion

1.1. EuroMOMO

1.1.1. Data

1.1.2. Discussion by EuroMOMO

1.2. Spain: MoMoISCII and Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)

1.2.1. System for monitoring daily all-cause mortality. of the Institute of Health Carlos III (MoMoISCIII) 2017 - 2022 2022 Canaries 2017 - 2022 Canaries 2022 Political and media discussion

1.2.2. National Institute of Statistics (INE) 1980 - 2021 2017 - 2022 2020 - 2021: Causes of death between 5 and 24 years of age with the steepest increase 2022, first half of the year: Causes of the increase in deaths among 5-24 year olds compared to 2021 1980 - 2022, first half of the year: The main causes of the recent increase in deaths among 5-24 year-olds

1.3. Concluding discussion

2. Excess mortality in Spain in summer 2022: ABSTRACT
Definition of the problem - Method - Results - Discussion

2.1. Usual summer mortality

2.2. From June to the end of August of 2022

2.3. Discussion in the media

2.4. Concluding discussion


4. Materials
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The so far puzzling increase in deaths in Spain and Europe in 2022

1.1. EuroMOMO

1.1.1. Data

Attentive observers of the European Mortality Monitoring (EuroMOMO)1 have noted a significant increase in mortality in the 0-14 age group for months, but also in the 15-44 age group mortality is above 2020 and 2021 levels.
The significantly reduced mortality among children during the first year of the pandemic is also striking.2

Excess mortality for age groups 0-14 and 15-44 years.
since the end of 20162
Kindersterblichkeit, Euromomo Woche 44Mortalidad hasta 44 años, Euromomo, semana 44

These phenomena are particularly evident in the graphs of cumulative excess mortality:


Cumulative excess mortality for all age groups,
compared to age groups 0 - 14 and 15 - 44 years,
 in 2020 (gray), 2021 (dark blue) and 2022 (light blue)

Übersterblichkeit nach Altersgruppen, kumuliert

For all age groups taken together, the sharp increase in excess mortality at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic is clearly visible, but this quantitative jump is missing in the two youngest age groups; in children 0-14 years there is even a significant reduction in mortality, which continues through most of 2021 and only turns into an increase in mortality towards the end of 2021, which continues virtually unchanged in 2022.

In the 15-44 age group, what is noticeable is that the excess mortality in 2022 is higher than in 2020 and 2021 and that the underlying increase also starts towards the end of 2021.

---> Continue reading: 1.1.2. Discussion by EuroMOMO


1) https://euromomo.eu/, updated every Thursday

2) EuroMOMO, bulletin of week 43/2022, https://euromomo.eu/bulletins/2022-43/, accessed 05/11/2022.