

1. Excess mortality in young people in Europe and Spain: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Definition of the problem - Method - Results - Discussion

1.1. EuroMOMO

1.1.1. Data

1.1.2. Discussion by EuroMOMO

1.2. Spain: MoMoISCII and Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)

1.2.1. System for monitoring daily all-cause mortality. of the Institute of Health Carlos III (MoMoISCIII) 2017 - 2022 2022 Canaries 2017 - 2022 Canaries 2022 Political and media discussion

1.2.2. National Institute of Statistics (INE) 1980 - 2021 2017 - 2022 2020 - 2021: Causes of death between 5 and 24 years of age with the steepest increase 2022, first half of the year: Causes of the increase in deaths among 5-24 year olds compared to 2021 1980 - 2022, first half of the year: The main causes of the recent increase in deaths among 5-24 year-olds

1.3. Concluding discussion

2. Excess mortality in Spain in summer 2022: ABSTRACT
Definition of the problem - Method - Results - Discussion

2.1. Usual summer mortality

2.2. From June to the end of August of 2022

2.3. Discussion in the media

2.4. Concluding discussion


4. Materials
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The so far puzzling increase in deaths in Spain and Europe in 2022
1.2. Spain: MoMoISCIII and Instituto Nacional de Estadística

At the European level, there is an excess mortality (a number of deaths above what is expected according to the average of the last years) in relatively young people, questioned by the monitoring institution itself.

In the Canary Islands, since the beginning of October 2022, press reports have been accumulating about excess mortality in the 0-14 age group. This issue was also the subject of debate in the Parliament of the Canary Islands.1 (See also Political and media discussion).

With the goal of finding out about
we are going to consult first the Instituto de Salud Carlos III's System for Monitoring Daily Mortality from all causes [Sistema de Monitorización de la Mortalidad diaria por todas las causas del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MoMoISCIII)]2 and then the data of the National Institute of Statistics [Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)].3

The MoMoISCIII, with very recent data and daily updates, will only be able to help us in this goal with the first and second points, the question of whether or not there is an excess of mortality and of what dimension. This and information on the course over time of this possible excess will contribute to answering the other questions, especially in conjunction with the INE data, which have the disadvantage of not being so recent: The National Institute of Statistics usually publishes the final results of its inquiries in population statistics, including differentiated data on deaths and their causes, at the end of the following year,4 together with provisional data for the first half of the current calendar year.5

---> Continue reading: 1.2.1. System for monitoring daily all-cause mortality. of the Institute of Health Carlos III (MoMoISCIII)


1) For example:
El exceso de mortalidad infantil llega al Parlamento Canario (Excessive infant mortality reaches the Canary Islands Parliament), 12/10/2022,

Salud Pública investiga el exceso de mortalidad de niños en Canarias (Public Health investigates excess infant mortality in the Canary Islands), EFE, 10/10/2022,

2) https://momo.isciii.es/panel_momo/#section-momo

3) https://www.ine.es/index.htm

4) https://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736176780&menu=resultados&idp=1254735573175#!tabs-1254736194710
"Definitivos". Accessed 23/12/2022.
See also in 4. Materials.

5) https://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736176780&menu=resultados&idp=1254735573175#!tabs-1254736195738
"Provisionales". Accessed 23/12/2022.
See also in 4. Materials.